To my surprise they got the permit first thing this morning and were over before 8:30 to start the real sealing. They had to put in additional taping and decontamination units. They let the kids poke around at the end of the day.
We also got a temporary outhouse. I suggested this as an alternative to staying in a hotel and they readily agreed. I’m sure it’s cheaper for them, and a lot better for us to sleep in our own beds, have all our possessions nearby, and to be able to care for the animals ourselves. //
The worker was very sympathetic to locking off the bathroom and offered to leave it like this overnight, doing the final seal in the morning. (Weird fluorescent lime paint and vintage wallpaper revealed in the bathroom tear our.)//
My kitchen is filled with overflow from the work area. I didn’t feel like making a mess in the kitchen and dining area, so we did Mcdonald’s for dinner. Now we are watching The Force Awakens in the basement. Things are crazy, but we are making it work.
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