Month: August 2014 (Page 1 of 2)

Tap Class

Today was our second tap class and it was so much fun!  We both felt immense progress in one week, even without practicing at home.  It was just a relief to know where the studio is, what the room and teacher look like, what the vocabulary is, and what the class structure will be.  With all those stressors gone we could loosen up and enjoy tapping.


My falaps were rough the first week.  My left side felt immobile – I couldn’t get it to do what I wanted!  It’s like my brain and foot weren’t on speaking terms.  This week my left foot was in a better mood and I could get the rhythm going.

We worked on the same combination at the end of class from the week before.  I took a video so I could practice at home.  You might enjoy it too, even if it isn’t a video about the boys being cute.  😉

Darn Amanda hid behind me the whole time, but you can watch her a little too.  I totally biffed the shuffle ball change on the second run.  But still, can you believe this was just our second class?  Tap is so fun!

Derpy Hobbit

Sam’s birthday is coming up.  I wanted to do a photo shoot and make nice cards for him, like I did for Jack’s party invites.  After mulling over a party theme I decided to go simple – gardens.  Flowers, plants, sort of a Beatrix Potter / Sam Gamgee theme.  Then I decided I had to re-knit a sweater for Sam.  I made him this one last year but he outgrew it before the weather turned cold.  I unraveled it, bought a second skein, and spent the last week hurrying to knit it up.  He had all those fevers in the meantime, so it’s just as well I waited.  Then I had to visit two garden stores to find some decent flowers to stage the photo.

Finally today, with a beautifully overcast sky, I was ready to take some pictures.

Sam was not in the mood.

I was going to hide these.  I shared them with Ben who was laughing so hard he had to share them with his office mate too.  After reflection, I see how gloriously doofy they are.  They need to be seen.

Derpy Hobbit
Derpy Hobbit
Derpy Hobbit
Derpy Hobbit
Derpy Hobbit
Derpy Hobbit
Derpy Hobbit
Derpy Hobbit
And finally, my personal favorite:
Derpy Hobbit

Oh, my beautiful child!

Grown-ups doing kid things!

Ben is great about helping me get out away from the kids for some fun.  This week Amanda and I ventured to a tap class.  I’ve wanted to learn to tap since college.  Now seemed like the perfect time to try.  We did some research and decided to try TAPS professional studio in the Baker neighborhood of Denver.

It was super fun.  Also super hard.  Tap is very much the opposite of everything I learned in ballet and modern.  I haven’t felt so inept about dance in decades.  I can’t wait to go to class again!  Maybe I can sneak some pictures next time.

Last night I procured a babysitter for a date to the Alamo.  They were showing The Monster Squad with special guest: star of the movie Andre Gower.  I’d seen Monster Squad some years ago, probably at a Halloween movie marathon.  It’s a horrible 80s kids movie.  The famous line that every quotes (and yelled along in the theater) is “Wolfman’s got nards!”  That about sums up the film.  Here’s the trailer if you are interested in learning more:

I was not going to attend with friends until Trevor sent this reply to Brian’s invitation, that I hope he won’t mind me re-printing:

The City Market in Grand Junction used to have a video store. This video store was where I’d spend most of my time if I got pulled into grocery shopping. It wasn’t particularly large, so I’m not exaggerating when I say I think I saw everything that was worthwhile in that store, and knew where the videos were stocked better than the clerks. The Monster Squad was my favorite. From the box alone it had everything that would appeal to an eight year old boy: Wolfman, Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula and a group of kids that saves the day. The problem was very often the video was absent behind that oh so alluring case. 

I would only learn about 6 years later why. Brian’s Mom worked in the pharmacy there. And anytime I wasn’t hoarding that VHS, he was.

I’m in.
I’m a sucker for nostalgia so that convinced me.  Well, that and some time out with my husband.  And an Alamo experience. And a Royale with Cheese.  And a Coke Zero as big as my head.  And free cookies.  They gave theater members free, freshly baked, gooey cookies.  Mmmmm . . .

Anyway, now you know why this meeting was sort of sweet.

Thumbs up from Van Helsing.

Happy Lappy!

My computer is back!  I thought it would be tomorrow, but it came early.  I went up to Flatirons as soon as the boys woke from naps. 

My trackpad was acting wonky for about a week, then it stopped functioning all together.  I took it in Friday and they shipped it out to the warehouse.  Since I have Applecare on it they also replaced the battery, the logic board (?), two memory cards, as well as the trackpad.  Hooray! I’m in tip-top shape again. 

The previous post was re-edited after it failed to post correctly from my phone.

No computer this week

I have things to write about – school, date night, tap class, but my computer has been out for repairs. You’ll have to make due with this picture post.

A nice walk to the grocery store. Life is good.
A wagon ride by the butterfly bush
After the roseola resolved, Sam got another fever three days later.  This one has a slight cough and runny nose.  Must be unrelated to the first illness. 
Feeling a bit better today.
We’re going to need to buy an all-red pack of markers for this one.

Red shirt

At school they decorated drawings of shirts.  I saw everyone else with paints, swirly rainbows of color, and even glued on bits of colored paper.  Jack’s shirt?  Well:

And how meta is he?  He started the shirt yesterday.  Today I bought markers so he could finish it.  He walked over to show it to me holding it up like this.  Just happened to be wearing a red shirt today!

More of the same


School again for Jack.  He loves it, and I love it.  He comes home so tired and hungry every day though.  Maybe he needs a bigger breakfast.  The only downside so far is all the car seat action I have to do for two quick trips every day.  When the weather cools off I might start walking it.  It’s 3 min drive versus 22 min walk according to Google.  Not a big deal until you consider that it’s a round trip – so about an hour to walk, sign in, and walk back. That’s an hour that I need to ensure Sam can be awake for.  After his illness I’m anxious to get him back on a regular sleep schedule.

Speaking of Sam, the rash is bigger this morning so I’m pretty sure of my diagnosis.  He’s getting happier every day too.  I think you’ll agree his belly is still cute with red pinpricks.


My big project was cleaning out and organizing Jack’s room aka the Toy Explosion.  Success!  Jack discovered he could pair his mask with his cape.


And the boys took to the spinning chair.  You can enjoy it in video, and see Sam’s googly eyes at the end, or click the link to see an endlessly spinning gif.


He stopped having a fever last night.  Now he has tiny red bumps on him.  It doesn’t look like the classic rash, but I think it might be roseola.  

That’s good news if it’s true, it means the illness is over.

First Day of Preschool

This pretty much sums it up.


Yes, today was the first day of preschool.  It was great to have a couple hours to myself.  I look forward to having this most days of the week.

Jack protested all morning about going to school.  Then he slipped wordlessly into the class, lured by a sticker.  I could hardly coax him back for a hug.  He was said he had a good time when I picked him up.  He said he is excited to go back.

But he also complained of hunger, complained and threw his biggest public tantrum ever at Jimmy Johns.  Because I bought him a cookie for his first day and as thanks for running errands on the way home.  So of course you scream and retch and pound your feet on the ground, right?  Because you picked the wrong flavor, or you didn’t want a piece, or you wanted to eat it at the table but spent the whole time crying.  All perfectly legitimate reasons for freaking out at high decibels.

Meanwhile, Sam is still sick.  I’ve called the doctor a few times and we agree he can wait longer (sick visits cost me about $120 out of pocket with my insurance).

Every little scrape for the rest of the day unleashed Jack’s full fury and outrage with tears, and it always caused Sam to break down too. There’s been a lot of tears in the house today, and not enough laughs.  But I think that will change eventually.


(There are a few more staged first day of preschool photos on my flickr that you are welcome to enjoy.)

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