Really? Another month has passed?
Seriously, this guy is blazing through infanthood. Or it seems that way because I’m only half conscious with sickness most of the time. Either way, Sam is bigger and better than ever.
No real milestones to report this month. He has a great raking and pincher grip. He blows raspberries at me when I talk to him, most likely a glimpse into his teenage years far in the future.
He refuses to get in the crawl position. In fact, his flipping from tummy down is so fast, I can’t even get a picture any more.
He rolls well enough to get into trouble, so I have to keep an eye on him. The other day, while I was in the bathroom, he had rolled off his play mat, into the media center, and was about to gum on some cables.
I wish I could say sleep is better. As you know, we had a solid 3-4 weeks of hourly wakings. I did some modifications and got him to sleep through the night again. But now, after about a week of that, he’s back to waking up a lot. Maybe its the drippy nose? I can always come up with an excuse for the sleep, but once one problem passes another one starts. I want a permanent solution. Grrrr. I tell him this, and he blows me a raspberry, punctuated by his signature “ah-tscha” babble.
Still no more teeth. Isn’t that weird? He got those two at an early 4 months, and nothing new for the next 4 months.
He makes those teeth work for him, though. He’s as crazy about food as I said last time. He loves everything I give him. I usually do raspberries or bananas with oatmeal for breakfast. Then he nibbles on whatever he can handle of our dinner. Loves tortellini. If I’m lucky, he spends lunchtime napping so I can actually enjoy a meal to myself.
He’s trying to grab the camera here. This is also what it looks like when he pulls your hair / grabs your glasses / grabs your earrings / scrapes your nose / or pulls your lips. I see this image a lot.
I love you, Sam. Now go to sleep and stay that way!
I love these birthday posts! He just so darn cute!
Grandma Betty
Aw man those smiles!!