Month: December 2013 (Page 2 of 2)

Holiday overload

Jack must have a mixed up understanding of holidays.  On top of Thanksgiving, we started our Hanukkah sock opening per Mason family tradition (Thank you Betty and Rick, we love them!).

Then the Hanukkah socks have overlapped with Christmas decorating.  Every day Jack asks me if it’s Christmas yet.  I forgot to get a chocolate advent calendar, and my embroidered one is not ready for use yet.  Poor kid.  Time is abstract for a three year old who can’t tell when a new day starts or ends, give or take a nap, and changing daylight hours.  But it doesn’t bother him too much.  All he cares about is that Santa brings him Skylanders Swapforce.  He tells everyone we meet who mentions Christmas to him.

Oh, and check out this glorious marshmallow I made.  My folks gave me a recipe book as an early Christmas present.  I took the hint.  These are marvelous, and I have plans for two more radical ones.  This one is just a plain vanilla bean, to be sure I understood the basic recipe – it’s quite different from my usual one, and much better too.

Bonus picture of Sam’s first rollover, as previous mentioned.

Thanksgiving Photos

Wow, a lot of pictures of Sam being held.  I guess it was so remarkable to me that he was out of my arms and happy at the same time.

Play dough for Jack


A new rattle for Sam (loves it)

Cooking the feast

Assisting Andy via phone with the family recipe known simply as “rolls.”

Admiring our rolls

We had an amazing feast, and Jack ate leftover pizza for Thanksgiving.  >:-P

It wouldn’t be a grandparent visit without a bath.

Amanda, Ben, and I went to see Frozen with Jack.  He LOVED it.  Seeing a movie with him is an experience all on its own.  He’s crazy about Olaf and got super excited to see Carmike theater’s amateur artwork.

Bedtime prep

Sam is crazy for these “infant stim” pictures that go on a mobile.  I brought some for his entertainment while away from home.

Thank you for hosting, Mom and Dad!

Auspicious start

What better way to start December than with a screaming baby in the grocery store with a declined credit card, which apparently was stolen?  Let’s add a snowstorm to thwart your mother’s attempts to visit, so you have no babysitter during auditions week.  Fingers crossed the snow is underwhelming, and no further colds plague our house. 

Busy time of year

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Grand Junction, despite half the family being sick.  I haven’t uploaded photos yet.  Instead I got out our Christmas decorations and made marshmallows and attended to a cranky baby.  This is just a quick note to say hi and to report that Sam rolled over twice today!  At 2 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days he accomplished this, and fits best in size 9 month clothing.  He continues to impress. 

This week is auditions for the musical, so the busy-ness continues!

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