Jack’s first dance class

Today I took my little guy to the Arvada Center for his first ballet class.  It was taught by Miss Jen, who I knew from our classes together when I took ballet there 6 years ago.  A lot has changed since then; a career change, two home purchases, and two kids.  I had waves of nostalgia going through the building.  Maybe when the dudes are older I can return to take Tap classes like I’ve always wanted.   Enough about me, you want to see Jack! 

Let me say that his little dance outfit is adorable in it’s simplicity.  Amongst all the tutus and pink and lavender was my sweet boy.  It was kind of a hassle getting the outfit together.  I got his Capezio shoes on Amazon.  The shorts are actually pants from Target that I cut short.  All their shorts were too big for him and I couldn’t find any in his size anywhere else. 

After Miss Jen reviewed the rules for class with them (No hanging on barres, no picking at floor tape, no playing the piano, no touching each others tutus or hair, etc) they were released to the room.  Jack made a beeline for the giant mirror and took some coaxing to join the others. 


In general, he was more of a spaz than the other girls.  Jen said that’s normal for boys that she teaches.  But he loved it and returned to task fairly well.  I’m glad the teacher understands that this is the first time these kids have ever had structure, turn taking, and direction following to this degree.  I think it will be so good for him. 


In this part she was teaching them stage right/left, up/down stage directions.  She would call out a direction and they ran to the matching side of the room.

Some basics.  Jack took a while to catch onto the copying part.  He wanted to show her his “twirls and “funny moves.”


There we go. 


Videos! First some center work, learning plies, releves, and sautes.  They covered first position, but I think Jack will need to do some remedial work with me at home to master it. 

Then I think this game was to teach them cues.  (We couldn’t hear anything from outside.)  She gave them moves to do around the room, then the music stopped and they needed to return to their places in the hula hoops. 

I tried to catch his happy face afterwards, but he was a total blur 🙂

After class I showed him the dragon they have outside the building.  The foliage was gorgeous so I snapped more pictures. 



1 Comment

  1. chitarita

    1. Tap classes – I want in.
    2. This is freakin' adorable.
    3. I can't wait until we start rehearsals and I can have my 3-year-old nephew correct the teenagers who have taken my classes 3+ times on which way is upstage.

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