August feels like I’m stalled. It’s warmed up a little, touching into the 90s some days. Blech. The colds Jack and I had lingered for about 10 days. I had a few days of feeling better, but the last couple days I’ve had a worsening stuffy nose and sore throat with cough. Ugh. It would be totally unfair if this turned into another full blown illness.
My hospital bag is packed, my birth plan (brief as it is) is printed out, and my friends on stand-by for taking Jack. Sure, with his birth I still had almost 4 weeks at this point. But it could come anytime now so I’m preparing just in case.
No sign of the dreaded SI joint pain I had last time. The ongoing right groin pain is still there and as bad as ever. I’m pretty sure it’s round ligament pain, according to the descriptions I read. The little guy has also taken to kneeing me in the ribs on my right side.
Jack and I have been talking a lot about babies and what will happen when he is born. He seems to have a pretty good grasp on the change. We look at pictures of himself as a baby to reinforce how small and boring they start out. He saw this picture yesterday:
So we took this picture when Ben came home:
My goals each day are fairly short: do some house cleaning, entertain Jack with errands or playgrounds, work online while he naps, knit. Here’s some playground action:
This is the “Bear Bridge” park at Majestic View in Arvada

And this is the Peter Pan Park in Westminster. Ben suggested it and I’m so glad he did! It’s adorable and well designed. Shaded picnic tables for mom, restrooms and drinking fountains, and a theme that’s perfect for Jack. They have various structures to be Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the Darling House (with Shadow Peter Pan in a window), Captain Hook’s ship (with crocodile), and Neverland (with rock tower slide, tree hide-out, and hollow log).

I read online that this wading area is supposed to represent the Thames. 🙂

Pro tip: dress your kid in neon clothes so you can easily pick him out in the crowd.
Weekends are super fun, even though I’m sick and whale-like. It’s so nice to have Ben around for company, conversation, and his share of pee clean-ups and lunch refills. Jack is obsessed with his dad and pesters him like a moth to a light when he is home.
Amanda and I went to see Peter and the Starcatcher last weekend and I LOVED it. So glad she could get me tickets. If it’s not too late I highly recommend you see it in Denver before it moves on in the tour (Amanda has a discount code if you email her). We had a delicious meal at the French place Le Grand Bistro. It was only a one block walk back to the Ellie Opera House for the show, about as far as I can walk these days.
The next day Jack filmed his piece for Brian’s latest movie. He did great playing with Mavi while Brian and Jeff scrambled around to arrange all the shots they needed. We had pizza dinner together afterwards and dessert at my place, while watching Hot Fuzz on our projection screen. Man, I love our basement.

Last night we tried out a local ice cream place, Scrumptious. I prefer Sweet Action’s recipe better, but this place was fun and waaaay closer to our house. Ben also grabbed some Mannekin Frites and I wished I hadn’t bothered to cook and eat dinner so I could have some too. Delicious.
I have tickets to see The World’s End at the Alamo Drafthouse tomorrow night. I’ve been looking forward to that for months, so this cold had better pass by. I might have to rest tonight by re-watching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix and knitting baby socks instead of going out.

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