Month: November 2011 (Page 2 of 2)


I can share one of my secrets from last week now.  For a couple years I have been making homemade marshmallows for my Dad and other family and friends.  But mostly for my Dad.  He’s a hot chocolate fiend.  With the snow last week I realized:

So I sent this card with a package of vanilla bean fluffy confections.  As you can see, Jack was a huge fan.  We gave away most of them to Amanda and my coworkers (where I endured much heckling because who MAKES marshmallows??) (they are slowly getting to know me – word is out that I can spin yarn).

This is my favorite recipe if you want to make them yourself.  Be sure to try them with peppermint flavoring!

Massive Halloween Post of Promised Media

Wow, I took a lot of pictures since Saturday.  This includes 188 takes from our costume photo shoot in the park.  But it’s REALLY hard to get a picture of a toddler not staring at the ground and not turning away from you, so I feel justified.

Since I mentioned it, here are the final costume pictures!

Hank Hill

 (Unlike Miranda, I WORE a costume but people didn’t realize it until I asked them to guess who I was.)

 And Link from the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker!

Not Robin Hood, not an elf (especially not a “she’s so cute!” elf- he must really need a haircut), and not a little green giant (whatever that is).

Da daaaa, dadadada daaaaaaa!

 (Hey, I promised lots of photos, didn’t I?  This is down from 188 remember.)

We carved pumpkins with Brian this weekend, as you are already aware (I think I fixed the video).

We also went to a party thrown by the parents of Jack’s play buddy, Wolfie.  Wolfie has an awesome toy room.  

Sunday Ben decided we would wear costumes to church.  Those pins are QR codes, that when scanned with your smart phone bring up our costume photos. 

And finally we arrive at tonight, the Big Night.  By a Halloween miracle I got off work a little after 4 and dodged a callback, giving me time to meet Ben and Jack in the middle of their trick-or-treating outing.  I about died when I walked up to this:

More photos and videos:

(Ben’s gentle, fatherly pushing in these photos turn my heart to mush)

This sexy nurse at the Chinese Massage store asked for a photo with Jack.  We hope she recognized him. 

People aged 18-30 seemed to get his costume.  The game store people didn’t (“Oh, he’s a little Zelda!”) and Ben will never forgive them.

The only actual trick-or-treating we did was Brian’s house, and Jack was too scared of his ghoul bowl to take any.  

Back at home he was excited to light the pumpkins and greet the kids.  I had to put a bowl out after bed time to prevent door bells from waking up Jack.  Overall though, Halloween is so much better with a kid than without.

There is all kinds of sticky in my house now.

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