Month: September 2011 (Page 1 of 2)

A Fine Day

Today was a total success!  Jack took 6 naps today, one mini nap during each section of driving plus one at home in the afternoon.  We found the coolest playground in Georgetown.  I took a lot of photos, they are all on my flickr page.  We ate lunch at Smokin’ Yards BBQ in Idaho Springs. 

At home I took a nap in the basement and Ben got a little homework done.  I made chicken and zucchini pasta with pesto and green beans.  Jack ate really well today!  He’s not very voracious for us and gets fussy about whether he will feed himself or let us feed him.  So it’s a good day when he puts down a good amount – even greens! 

We took a stroll around Target to get autumnal-themed candies for work tomorrow and a frozen pizza for Friday’s dinner (yes, we are living large!).  After Jack had his milk, Good Night Moon, and his teeth “brushed” Ben and I watched Community, Parks and Rec, and Big Bang Theory.  Dishes, blogging, pack a lunch, and I’m off to bed!

More days off

Shouldn’t there be more days off? That’s what I wonder when I’m at work and Ben texts me adorable photos like this one:

So here are some others things we’ve been doing when we’re home together (and when I’m not sneaking in episodes of Downton Abbey.  Fully addicted here.)
Ben helped with a shoot in the park.  Jack was more interested in the softball game.

We stuffed our faces with garlic knots from Virgilio’s.  I’m still mourning the closing of their Lakewood restaurant.

Parks are awesome!

Today we went to the zoo!  Not pictured, the cupcakes we ate afterwards from Lovely Confections.  Here Jack and Wolfie take turns pointing at the elephant.  Wolfie is his play buddy that we know from our doggy daycare owners.

We finally got a good view of the orangutan family, including Hesty who was born just one month after Jack.

The Lorakeet exhibit was so cool!  There were about 50 birds living in there so you saw them everywhere you turned.  You could buy little cups of nectar to feed them.  They hopped right on your your hand!

These were frisky lemurs.

By the end Jack was like “whatev’s” to these enormous gorillas right in front of us.  Time to go (get cupcakes!).

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