As promised to Amanda, here are some more videos of Jack’s trick.
Here’s Amanda setting him up. He had just woken from a nap and was a little slow. But still eager to play.
Here he is just after learning the trick. He’s eager to do it, and it’s usually a domino chain of explosions.
Other tricks that Jack has recently learned:
- blowing air
- kissing your cheek – usually a gross, open-mouthed press to your cheek, but tonight he actually make a puckering lips smack!
- holding the phone to his shoulder/ear region
- pretend washing the table with a napkin
- Putting pencil to paper
- Can balance on two legs for a few seconds (only done twice, he doesn’t seem to like it yet)
- Fast at climbing up stairs, can go down backwards with lots of prodding

Other things he can do, learned/mastered in the last month or so
- Cruising!
- waving bye bye
- high fives
- nodding yes
- standing in his crib after naps
- “Da” has been generalized for many things, but with tones. Mom, Dad, bottles, animals, fruit, all “da!”
- Sorting, stacking rings, putting straws in cup lids . . .any kind of “this” goes in “there” task
And reading by osmosis!
(There, Amanda. Blog updated. I’m going back to sipping tea and doing nothing.)