Month: September 2010 (Page 1 of 2)

Four months old

My baby is four months today!   I can’t believe he’s already four months/ only four months. 
He’s becoming so interested in the world around him.  He wants everything in his mouth and can look out the window for a long time.
He has an itchy head from cradle cap.  It’s the most darling thing to see him feebly scratch his head with his fingers he can only sort of control, and his hands that only barely reach the top of his head.

He would rather stand than sit.  He recently discovered his toes plays with them when he’s on his back.  He turns to his side a lot but hasn’t mastered turning over yet. 
We love him so much.  It’s exciting to see what new things he has started to do every day.  (Except for teeth.  I’m not excited about the teething thing, and I think it’s just around the corner.)

Needles Clacking

I can smell the cool air coming! Fall invigorates my knitting lust.  I have several projects to report.  You already saw the blue vest and green tri peak hat I made for Jack.  I also posted about the forest green meathead hat.  But here’s an action shot. 

I think I also talked about these sweaters I knit while in GJ. Here they are finished. It’s too warm to wear them yet.

I made a knit hat from the “Aviatrix” pattern.  I used some soft, stretchy yarn from my stash, and didn’t know its weight or brand.  Even though I made the 0-3 month size and small needles, it knit up huge!  It must be bulkier weight than I guessed.  The hat fits me perfectly. 

I remade the hat in cashmerino aran for Jack in a manly orangey red.  Smaller yarn weight and small needles, so it fits!  These photos are from before I blocked it.  I still need to get a button.  I’ll have to post more photos when it’s cool enough for me to force the finished hat on his head.

Finally, I have a sweater started for myself.  I ordered some great yarn from Knit Picks and already knit through the first skein.  This photo is from the start – it’s about 4 inches longer than shown here. 

I also have my lacy rainbow shawl kicking around, and the argyle sweater for Jack.  It’s probably too big for him this winter, so I slowed down my work on it.  Plus I have 6 skeins of blue heather yarn I spun on my wheel that needs to be knit into a cardigan.  So much to do!  Good thing the good TV shows are back on air for me to knit along.

Emptying the camera

Here are some photos I’ve had knocking around.

The three of us together!

Kristin, Jenni, and Coral came to visit.  We put them down for tummy time together. 

It did not go well.

But we got some nice group photos afterward.  (Thank you Ben!)

Play Day with Jack!

Ben and I were both off of work today.  Aside from a TON of errands and the five poopy diapers this morning (he usually only poops every other day – so thanks for the plums, Ida!), we had lots of time to give Jack love and attention.

Galloping – an easy game for me to play and a nice alternative to the wretched tummy time. 

Galloping Jack from Rachel Mason on Vimeo.

Rocket – Ben makes better sound effects than me.  His rides also last longer than mine.

Rocket Jack from Rachel Mason on Vimeo.

Jumper – Still too young to enjoy the jumper.  He used it just to do some freestyle standing, which was mildly entertaining for him.  (The sheepskin serves as an impromptu floor pad because carpet tacks poke through on the threshold.)

Standing in his Jumper from Rachel Mason on Vimeo.

Wrist Rattles – Grandma Betty sent over rattles that attach to his arms and legs.  He immediately wanted it in his mouth, but couldn’t quite figure out the physics that it would require.

Wrist Rattle Jack from Rachel Mason on Vimeo.

Sock rattles – Not wanting to overwhelm him, we did hands and feet separately.  This was close to his bedtime, so his play was not very enthusiastic, but he got a good handle on reaching for these bugs.

Sock Rattles Jack from Rachel Mason on Vimeo.

(If you are counting outfit changes due to various fluids today, the answer is SIX for Jack plus two for me and Ben each)

PS: Ben wants the world to know that we got an awesome new modem called a Deugaster or something, and it gets 25 megabitso thingies speed.  Apparently this is hella fast and he immediately called his boyfriends to brag.  They were duly impressed.

A weekend with the Grands

My folks came out for the weekend and we ate it up!  No, seriously.  There was a lot of food.  Damascus Middle Eastern, Goodtimes, Walnut Pizzeria, Sweet Action, Yianni’s Greek, Blue Sky Cafe, and Cafe Rio.  Between the eating we did some shopping – Amanda got some drama costumes, mom and I loaded up on craft projects, hit the Apple store, and I got a new luscious leather purse.  It makes me feel like a grown-up!

The highlight of the trip was seeing the Tutankhamun exhibit at the Denver Art Museum.  Ben and I have been listening to a lecture series about Egypt’s history.  It’s been a fascinating story to hear while we drive.  We were excited to see all the artifacts we had been reading about. 

Most of my pictures are my parents playing with their grandson.  Enjoy!

Sultry Han

Can I share with you my favorite thing about work? The floor of our
HD unit uses Star Wars characters to ID their med carts. Whenever I
pass by this pouty picture of Han Solo I feel warm fuzzies.

Roll over!

When we got home from the grocery store Jack was asleep in his carseat. I don’t like leaving him in there, so I picked him up knowing that he would likely wake up from the 8 minute nap. I laid him on the living room floor and let him play while I put groceries away and checked email. I noticed he was quiet. 
 Huh.  That’s not how I put him down.  
He seemed pleased with himself when I flipped him over.
Ready to try again! 

It’s coldie! (in the words of Zaley)

Dang yo, it’s actually cold!  And I’m feeling it because I’m not pregnant – woo!  I love a day where I can put on my flannel pants and sweat shirt, and dress my kiddo in footie pajamas.  A kid who has learned to turn on his side and squirm all over, so blankets don’t keep him warm because he’ll end up 180 degrees from where you put him down, sucking on one corner of the blanket, and kicking the crib with fury because it makes a loud noise.  Yeah, that’s what I found 20 minutes after he was supposed to be down for a nap.  So now we’re taking pictures.

I did NOT get called in again last night, let the angels sing.  I didn’t mind working late, with overtime and holiday AND callback pay stacked, I think earned September’s mortgage payment in one day! But enough was enough and I’m grateful for a relatively full night’s sleep. 

Enough work talk.  More pictures!  Saturday we went to the Botanic Gardens and then lunch at Steve’s Snappin’ Dogs.  Both were a pleasure.

Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens

Find more pictures from the gardens on Ben’s flickr site here. 

We went to Cafe Rio for dinner and Sweet Action for dessert (Earl Grey for Ben, Raspberry Chip for me and Brian.)  Brian jokingly offered Jack some ice cream and got a delightful response.  Poor kid is so teased!  [Let the record show that I’m firmly against giving Jack anything but breastmilk at this point.  Please don’t feed my baby other things.]

Yes please! from Rachel Mason on Vimeo.

Sunday I put Jack in the sweater vest I knit before he was born.   Good thing I tried – I almost missed the window of fit time!

All dressed up

More pictures here

These smiles didn’t last.  During church he dissolved into a puddle of crankiness that kept me out of the whole meeting and made me bolt for the car as soon as the closing prayer amen-ed.  I think he was reacting to being dragged all over Denver the day before.  Oh well, it was worth it.  Sunday his Grandparents Mason came for a short visit, along with Ben’s aunt Jean.  They marveled at how fast he’s growing.  I couldn’t agree more.

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