Hot. Blech. I really hate summer. Tomorrow I hope to run away to my parents’ house for a few days. I’m getting burned out by being home alone with Jack day in and day out. Sure, I had fun shopping with my sister this weekend. Tonight I might escape for a few hours to play trivia. But I’m building a serious case of the doldrums. For every cute video or picture I post, there’s at least an hour of fussing or crying which I didn’t think was particularly photo worthy.

Third nap of the day. Finally. He’s having a hard day. Aw crap, looks like he’s woken himself up again. I better go pacify.
Don't worry, it does end and it does get better! And when you're past this hard baby part, you'll wonder how it went by so fast. Remember when Caleb was born? He's 5 and starting kindergarten in a month. And Bryce is 2…not a baby anymore! I know that doesn't make you feel better when you're in the thick of it, but know there are so many who know exactly what you're going through. Which is partly why I'm not pregnant again yet…I still have a few more things to forget!
Ah, I love you. It does indeed get better. I wish we lived closer so we could get through these long days together. The inside of my house is getting pretty boring . . .