Saturday Amanda returned from her long, exotic journey to Thailand.  I’m so happy she’s back in Colorado!  Our parents came to welcome her home and return her cat.  Here are a few of the fun things she brought back.
Shhhh!  You’ll have to ask Amanda in person for this story.  I don’t want to get her in trouble.  
Awesomely bad English on notebooks.  “IM YOUR PRINCESS CAT. IM YOUR LOVER.”
Exotic foods such as durian chips
Hats for working in the fields (or dangling ribbons over 6 week old babies)
An awesome wrap that can be a blanket, spread or cover-up.  I’m wearing it as a skirt today!
Of course the grands got to hold Jack all weekend.  I love it when they visit and I can give my arms a break!  We took out a tape measure and discovered he is 25 inches long.  That puts him in the 99th percentile for length.  Egads, that’s a big boy!
Any minute now Amanda will be here to keep me company.  We had dinner and watched TV last night to help keep her awake through the jet lag.  We have some cooking and show-watching planned for today.  Tonight I’m leaving the baby with Ben to go to trivia at the British Bulldog, just like old times!