Survived his first flight with nary a whimper.
Month: July 2010 (Page 1 of 3)
Last weekend we had dinner at a strange restaurant called White Fence Farm. We came up with several ways to describe it. “Cracker Barrel on Crack.” “The American Casa Bonita.” “A cross between Las Vegas and a Wyoming gas station.” The best part was the cute goats they had in the petting pen. I ventured as close as I dared with Jack to get these pictures. Don’t bite my baby!
The next day we took the whole family (minus cat) to Fort Collins for a BBQ dinner with Kristin’s family. I finally met her darling girl, Coral.
(I love how she has Yoda-proportions in the second photo because her legs are tucked up)
When Jack woke up I delayed eating to get some side by side photos. Jack was not pleased with the delay.
I needed a change of scenery. I packed up Jack and forty times his weight in burp rags and onesies, and took off over the mountains to mooch off my folks for a couple days.
Stopping to nurse on Vail Summit. How beautiful!
Caught Grandpa Will at work. Got to help with dictation, mostly by staring at the power cord in the corner.
His first time swimming with Grandma Susan. We swam three times during the trip. Each time he was fairly sleepy and this was the most reaction we got. Maybe when we come back in August if we catch him after a nap he’ll give it some smiles.
I had hands-free time to relax.
We took Jack shopping downtown and found some fabulous legwarmers, sunglasses, and of course the infamous mobile.
Grandpa Rick even came by to get some Jack time. The lure of Jack is powerful.
Not pictured: the giant box of apricots that we turned into jam.
I’m in Grand Junction visiting the grands for a few days. Jack is having a great time. We went swimming and shopping and there has been much adoration. Last weekend I noticed that Jack finally discovered the mobile on his swing at home. We got him one that attaches to the crib and has crisp, simple pictures. He is FASCINATED. He is happy to spend over an hour cooing and kicking at the pictures. Here’s some video. Again, sorry, but this is fairly boring for non-baby lovers. But I wanted his dad back home in Lakewood to see a how cool mobiles are.
Mobiles are Cool from Rachel Mason on Vimeo.
Hot. Blech. I really hate summer. Tomorrow I hope to run away to my parents’ house for a few days. I’m getting burned out by being home alone with Jack day in and day out. Sure, I had fun shopping with my sister this weekend. Tonight I might escape for a few hours to play trivia. But I’m building a serious case of the doldrums. For every cute video or picture I post, there’s at least an hour of fussing or crying which I didn’t think was particularly photo worthy.

Third nap of the day. Finally. He’s having a hard day. Aw crap, looks like he’s woken himself up again. I better go pacify.
Jack can handle tummy time for a couple minutes now before having a melt down. Exercise is so HARD! (Right after I cut the shot he completed the hiccup-cough-sneeze combo with a long fart. He is an artist.)
Tolerating Tummy Time from Rachel Mason on Vimeo.
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