On my own

Ben is back to work this week, leaving me alone with Jack every day.  Yesterday we went to Fort Collins to visit Kristin.  She has a busy week with both her birthday and her due date!  It was great seeing her and Jenni for lunch.  But this meant a long drive with Jack and being away from the house for most of the day.  Despite him deciding he was hungry right when my food arrived, and then letting his poop leak out of his diaper onto my pants in the restaurant, we survived! 

Kristin lent me a book called Babywise.  I haven’t read any parenting books yet but I think it was time.  Jack’s feedings are chaotic and unpredictable.  I basically feed on demand.  I’m always anxious about when he next need me and feel incompetent about how to care for him all day.  Last night I got only 4 hours of sleep, split up throughout the night.  This book has a simple flexible plan that they recommend.  Apparently I was doing a lot wrong.  I’m going to try to enforce their “feed – waketime – naptime” routine and stop nursing him to sleep, except at night.  I haven’t done any “naptimes” yet, just letting him sleep when it happens.  Today I put him down twice and he cried mightily.  But in less than 5 minutes he fell asleep.  Huh.  It worked.  With any luck we can both work out a routine that works for him, so I can feel more in control and less anxious. 


  1. singingotter

    I read and used Babywise with Sadie. Taught me a lot! Congrats on your sweet little Jack. He is adorable!

  2. Kristin

    Wow you read it already! I'm glad it helps. It helped me with Ad and gave me a lot more confidence in knowing what the heck to do with this little human I'm supposed to take care of. But there are lots of philosophies out there. Just take what makes sense for you and use it. There isn't really a right or “wrong” way as long as you both are happy and your baby is loved.

    When Ad saw this picture of Jack she said, “That's Rachel's baby! He's a special little guy.”

  3. eaumaison

    Ack! Addi is too cute 🙂 I'm trying to stick to the schedule, but I don't know what to do when he doesn't! If he spits up all of his food 10 minutes after we finish feeding, do I start over? (he wasn't rooting, so I didn't). If he takes 45 minutes to fall asleep at naptime, do I extend the nap time and off set my day? (I can't this time because I'm going to a lactation support group at a certain time, but it will likely happen again when I don't have a particular schedule).

  4. Serin

    I haven't read that book, but is it a routine or schedule? I don't know if you can schedule a baby that young (naps at 10:00, 1:00 and 4:00, for example) but you can get him used to not nursing to sleep and eating when he wakes up.

    Ummm… I forgot where I was going with this! lol Good luck and watch of out growth spurts! 😉

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