Halfway there?

oh, hi.  It’s just me, writing from the labor unit.  Can I say how awesome epidurals are?  I had some crazy contractions for 2 1/2 hours this morning and popped from a 1 to a 4 (finally!).  Then they got the epidural rocking and I’ve been trying to sleep since then without success.  I’m too excited!  Ben is doing great as my coach.  We just turned on a movie to help pass the afternoon.  I was a 5 on my last check, after my water spontaneously broke.  All this progress came from just two doses of misoprostol, the last one at 3:30 am.  My body finally kicked in to do the right thing.  They might augment with some pitocin later, but for now we’re letting things ride.  Alright, that’s enough stretching to reach the keyboard,  I better get back to resting.  The nurses are keen on me sleeping today, but that’s just not going to happen. 😉


  1. chitarita

    Liveblogging the labor. I love it.

  2. Kristin

    Me too! I keep checking to see what is going on. Yay! You'll have a little boy soon!

  3. Serin

    Sleep? Yeah right! Way to go! Sounds like your body just needed a nudge. Takes lots of pictures, you can always delete them (or not share them) but you can't ever retake them! 🙂

  4. Kristin

    I need pictures of this baby!

  5. Serin

    I hear congratulations are in order! I know Miranda is gone and April is out of commission, please don't hesitate to call me if you need anything!

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