39 Weeks

“Yup, I’m pregnant”
“In about a week.”
“Yeah, pretty ready for him to come.”
“Yes, it’s a boy.”
“Yeah, it’s my first.”
Yes, it IS pretty exciting.”
“Yeah, I’m tall.  I guess I carry it well.  Believe me, I’m plenty big.” 

It’s not that I’m annoyed with having the same conversation over and over.  It’s just a very boring conversation that I could self-direct.  But I’m polite and wait for the other person to prompt me with questions. 

I’m so. ready. for him to come.  My calendar has been exhausted.  Last week I had many fun things and errands on my to do list.  I got my car AC fixed, bought cloth diapers with Miranda, bought some new yarn, started a new baby sweater, made some Book of Mormon costumes for my mom’s project, got a massage, went to a small nursing class reunion, had maid service (thank you, Mom!), added to the nursery, and got my house to the point where it doesn’t feel like a disgusting pit of neglect.  I even cooked dinner a couple times and made angelfood cake with lemon curd!  So yeah, my pain is a lot better and I completely credit it to being able to rest away from work.  I only worked 8.5 hours last week.  I wouldn’t mind a little more, but I’ll take too little over too much. 

However, this week?  Completely blank.  Aside from an OB appointment and a couple evening activities that I might have to miss because of work anyway, I have nothing to look forward to.  Sure, there’s little things here and there that I can do to fill my days.  I’m pretty skilled at killing time.  But seriously?  Let’s just move on and get this baby in the world. 


  1. chitarita

    What about watching “Glee” with your sister and your friend? Surely an episode with Joss Whedon AND Neil Patrick Harris counts for something?

  2. Serin

    Ugh, I've only made it to 39 weeks once, but no matter when the baby comes those last weeks are HELL! I hereby grant you permission to ditch church until 4 (or 6 or 8) weeks until after the baby is born. Unfortunetly, church is the worst for obvious questions.

    Good luck!

  3. Jeff Cleary

    We feel your pain Rachel. For the past week, every conversation I've had begins with “No baby YET???” instead of “hello”.

    This is surely the period of the most “advice” I've ever received in my life, and I have a feeling that's only going to increase after the kid comes.

    Anyways, have fun. Race ya!

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