Month: January 2010 (Page 1 of 2)

Spinning success

I finished my first skein of handspun yarn using my wheel.  It’s so much fun to spin!  I just used the book that came with my wheel to teach me how to spin and ply the yarn together.  I started to work on that beautiful blue roving in the background, you can see my first bobbin is already almost full.  I can’t decide if I want to to ply the blue yarn, making it lofty and strong, or leave it single ply so I have more length to knit. 
(How awesome is it that my new craft space gets natural sunlight in through the little egress window?)

Burning up

I’m so happy Burn Notice is back on the air.  It’s like a fantastic, juicy cheeseburger and fries.  Utter junk yet so delicious.

I’m finally making some good progress on Ben’s Norwegian hat. I’m moving my craft space into the basement.  My former room will be the new nursery.  We threw out the 1977 couches and got a new sectional.  I love it so much!  I set up my craft table behind it and it’s become my favorite place.  I have my laptop, my knitting, a snack, and a good show playing on our franken-dvr.  

It’s been a rough week at work.  We’re ramping up to start two new hospital contracts.  Extra training sessions everywhere, staff shortages, and on top of that a lot of acute patients at our regular hospital.  I’m the only one from our morning shift who is home yet.  The others who started at 6 had to take over evening shift as well.  I only got to go home because I’m on call, so in the event that I get called back I won’t be completely exhausted from working 17 hours.  I don’t think things will calm down until at least mid-February.

First Trimester Musings: Ultrasound

(Written at 12 weeks, early November 2009)

I am so so relieved to have had the ultrasound.  It’s scary how I really have no perception that there is a little human inside of me, with bones and tissue and an APPENDIX, for crying out loud.  How alien.  I swore this was a molar or ectopic pregnancy.  How could it be so easy?  How can I feel so normal? 

(9 week pregnant self feel free to stab future self for saying this.  Does she REMEMBER sitting at home, not being able to do anything but nap under a quilt, not even browse the internet?  And how she threw up a single saltine, and on another morning just water???) 

But really.  From all the stories and “common symptoms” I read, I’ve had it fairly easy.  Way to go, genepool.  I knew these hips meant I would be a baby-making rockstar.

First Trimester Musings: Acceptance

(Written mid October 2009)

I’ve had a strange disconnect between having a baby and being pregnant.  I just feel pregnant, like it’s a temporary disease that’s giving me weird symptoms and will eventually go away.  I’m adament about not looking at baby products or baby advice or baby names.  After two weeks of excitement, I turned all my books and pamphlets from the OB facedown.  For some reason I don’t want to see the work “pregnant” around the house.

I was watching some old Muppet videos on Youtube.  The thought came to me, that I frequently have thought, that I should be sure that when we eventually have kids, they watch some Muppets because Muppets are awesome.  Then I had an epiipheny – this wasn’t some far off prediction.  There was a kid in my belly RIGHT NOW.  She/He will be the one that I encourage to watch Muppets.  Right there with me now in this room.  I kind of freaked out in a major way.

First Trimester Musings: Food

(Written October 2009)

If I get up before 8 am, I have to puke at least once.  Good luck trying to eat anything before 9 am.

The first thing I cooked in three weeks was bacon.  Nitrate and nitrite free bacon, courtesy of my dear dad.

My food aversion has manifest as “anything that you cooked.”  If Ben makes it or I buy it ready made, I seem to do better.

Surprisingly, peanuts are my go-to snack for keeping fueled during the day.  And suddenly orange juice is delicious.  And pickles.  I had a Jimmy John’s pickle and wanted to marry it.

What’s happening in my belly?

Because I hear you are all dying to know 🙂  I’m in that weird poochy stage.  My clothes don’t fit and my husband says I’ve looked pregnant for months.  But when I tell people the news and that I’m 21 weeks, they look down at my stomach and tell me I don’t look pregnant at all.

I feel him moving all the time now.  Especially during a meal (blood sugar spike?) and when I change positions – sitting to standing and such.

My belly button is disappearing way too fast!  It’s kind of freaking me out.

The most annoying pregnancy change?  My absurdly strong pulse.  I hear it when I’m trying to sleep at night.  I feel it in odd places like my scalp, my shoulders, and pretty much my entire abdomen.  I feel my heart pounding with extra stroke volume when I climb stairs.  I swear I can even feel my inferior vena cava flowing.  My hand veins are so engorged with extra blood that they are raised and fat.  L&D nurses must have the easiest patients for placing IVs. 

I’m going to post a couple things I wrote during the first trimester, just to catch up my journalling.

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