Roses and Cat barf

Two gifts from two beloved members of my household after a hard week. Of course, Ben received greater thanks for his gift 🙂

Yeah, it’s been a long hard week. I had a lot of projects due and a whopping final that I never felt fully prepared for. I had a couple meltdowns. Ben lovingly helped me deal with the stress. I wasn’t what you would call “nose to the grindstone” all weekend, but I studied a lot hard than I usually do and felt incredibly guilty every moment that I wasn’t studying. I hate that part of school life – you’re never done. I got through my final with the same grade as always, 89%. I studied differently for every test and never improved my grade. I still don’t know if I’ll pull an A with other contributing class points or if I’ll lose my 4.0. It’s bugging me not to know.

So Tuesday was my last “class.” The last test, the last paper, the last written assignment. Next in Senior Practicum we have mandated online discussions, but none of that other stuff. If only I felt more free, but there are still plenty of things to worry me.

Wednesday, my “day off” I put in four hours (mandated) service doing production line work. Horrible stuff. Gave me back spasms and sore fingers. Then I got to wait in a few small offices arranging paperwork and getting an ID badge for my practicum placement. Fun stuff. This is the same day Ben got hit on his passenger side door, you might have seen it on Shot-a-day. It looks like everything will work out fine with fixing it, but still, not a good thing. I decided the best thing for me to do was grab a cheap bite out, then watch America’s Next Top Model and spin yarn. Blissful mindlessness.

Today was more of the same at MedSurg II clinical. One patient with frostbite and ETOH withdrawal, the other with perforated diverticulitis. I spent the day hanging antibiotics and trying to control their pain. Not too exciting. I tried to put an IV in the first guy but his veins were so scarred from overuse that even the nurse had to try twice after I gave up. Hopefully our last day tomorrow will be both exciting and easy. The mantra that we all have adopted is “I’m done with this.” Once you have your next placement it’s a drag continuing at your current one.

Speaking of my next placement, it’ll be all nights. I start Monday. Class only on Monday, 8-noon at Regis, then go sleep, and start at 7:30 pm going until 4 am. Continue 7:30- 4 am T-F. Wow. The rest of the month will be sporadic blocks of 12 hour nights, 3:30 pm – 4 am. Weird. I’m curious how hard it will be to change my sleep-wake cycle. I hope I get to see Ben once in a while for the next month. I’ll let you know how it goes.

1 Comment

  1. Kristin

    Whew! Good luck with graveyards!

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