School and Ears

Aw, you guys are all so nice! Thank you for all the compliments, solicited and not. I’m a lot better at styling now and it’s grown out just slightly how I like it.

Back to school, Mental Health to be exact. What a breeze. The teacher might be a nut but the material should be fairly simple, so I can work with her. My Roles class should be very helpful for resume building and getting a job. The cool thing about my schedule is they shifted T-Th classes to the afternoons, so I have the mornings to continue going to the gym.

As promised, here I am getting my ears pierced at The Retina Center. This might be the most sterile ear piercing ever performed.

We spent a good deal of time getting the placement right. Because of my gimpy left ear it was tricky to determine what looked the most centered and symmetrical. Then Mom and Dad took out an array of needles to determine what the best gauge would be. We started with the easy right ear, numbing it with ice.

The needle easily went through. The red is the iodine, not blood. Unfortunately the needle was too perfect of a match with the stud, and we needed something larger to work the stud through. After a second poke and a lot of wiggling the stud around my ear hurt. The ice had worn off and re-icing only stung it more.

So here I am getting a happy anesthetic shot for the other ear. Here’s the larger needle in the left ear. Pain-free this time.

Mom jumped in to assess and make sure the stud was straight. Ta da! Pierced ears. We did a final check in the mirror and determined they were just about perfect.


  1. chitarita

    Ahem. No props to your sister for the camera/technical support and for not running out of the room crying, “Ew! So much blood!” at the sight of the iodine?I agree, though – most sterile ear-piercing in the history of ever.

  2. Jenn

    Aahhh! Oh my gosh. You’re so brave. I could barely get through the very brief stud-gun piercing mall island racket.Congrats on the pierced ears! 🙂

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