It stops now

BEFORE—————————————— AFTER
I need to know: is my new haircut that bad?

One week ago I went to a new stylist and she chopped off most of my hair. The only comment I have had is from Brian, who said, “Whoa, did you cut off a bunch of hair?” Aside from that I have had no feedback.

Now, I’m not so vain that I need everyone to ooh and aah. But usually you can expect a few nice words after a new style. Which leads me to believe that my new hair-do must be SO horrible that everyone is pretending it didn’t happen.

Okay, okay. Probably no one has said anything because it was snowy the day after so I had bad hat hair, then I got sick and didn’t do my hair or even lip gloss for four days. But that is over! So the next time you see me I could use some reassurance.

Peace out.


  1. Serin

    Wow. I feel really bad because I just saw you and it didn’t even register in my brain that you had cut your hair! It looks great though! (man, how un-observant can I be?!)

  2. chitarita

    It is cute! Like you said, I couldn’t judge the cut when you wear a knitted hat pulled down over your hair all day. I like it. Totally Lemony.

  3. Miranda

    Okay this post is so not true. I have commented on the adorable-ness of your hair numerous times. But apparently what I have to say doesn’t count. Thanks a lot.

  4. eaumaison

    Miranda, for the record, we clarified that you are exaggerating your flattery, and I am exaggerating my lack of flattery. But thanks, I’m glad that you and everyone else thinks it looks good. The first day I washed it I tried to style it like usually, curling it under, and it looked like a bad 80s do. So I was extra wary of what people said (or didn’t say). Sorry I overreacted, but thank you for all the kind words!

  5. April

    Just so you know, I did NOT read this post before I said anything to you today at church. I really do think it looks great!

  6. Anonymous

    I LOVE IT!!!! You look super hotJenni

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