Crafting of all kinds happened today! Amanda and I spent a lovely day in Denver. First stop was Fancy Tiger for our spinning class.
We’re showing off our first works. Amanda is some kind of spinning prodigy. Despite her wool being from an ancient biblical breed of Jacobs sheep that is supposed to be harder to work with, she made the most lovely even, thin strands! Mine is rather lumpy and bumpy but I love it anyway. Of course after the class we had to gather extra supplies from their store.
We had thai food at Tuk Tuk on Speer. It was meh. Who thinks putting bone-in chicken in a curry is a good idea? At least the curry sauce was good. Mostly I enjoyed the company and conversation. (Summary = American school system needs major work)
Then we went to the art museum for the Houdon exhibit. The sculptures were amazingly detailed and lifelike. Amanda has a membership so we visited only the part we wanted without feeling like we had to “get our money’s worth.” A little at a time is a great way to see art. Behind the Houdon works was a demo area with modeling clay and styrofoam busts. Probably for kids, but we jumped in anyway. I had to cut Amanda off. It was obvious that this girl needs to enroll in a puppetry and mask-making work-shop (I mean for enjoyment, not for lack of talent).
Before going home we dropped by the Recycled Lamb to check out their spinning supplies. Amanda leveled-up her spindle and got a great deal on some alpaca roving. So silky!
Back in Lakewood Ben had spent the day with Carl, Nate, and Brian to make a camera out of a scanner, based on this project in Make Magazine. They put the camera together but didn’t have much success with waning daylight.
Amanda had to leave to do important grown up things. I joined the guys at Brian’s house to use his super lights that we use for movie-making. They actually got it to work.

Yay for craftiness and boo for grown-up activities that make me miss musicals and Rock Band opportunities.>>Tomorrow, we spin again!
I LOVE the spinning pictures! I can’t wait to learn.
Amanda’s friend from Shakespeare Camp is excited for your handspun yarn!!!