Ack! only a few more days until I have to handle responsibilities again. My fridge is busting with desserts. Amanda brought over a delicious carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. I made the NY Times chocolate chip cookies (verdict: decent but not worth the hassle). I made the fruit salad from Cooking Club again. I have greek yogurt to make fro-yo. April and I canned peaches and made peach jam this morning. Tasty tasties surround me!!
I discovered and am loving it. I found all sorts of projects I would make if I had lots of lovely silk and alpaca balls. Lots of patterns to browse and great organization. I uploaded my “stash” of yarn and lined up WIP and queued projects. Little Sheldon here immediately caught my eye. I’m working on another knitted tortoise (almost done!) then I’ll try a couple of these before school starts.
Mavi and I spent some good time in Anthropologie cooing our eyeballs out. So much cuteness! Look at those grape-colored pleats! That pink sweater has POSIES in the pocket! Their stuff is so inspiring and beautiful.

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