I came home Monday to this:Ben left a pillow in her crate. When I took her out she was wobbly and bloated, but very happy. What a nut. Ever since they she has been really sneezy. It seemed worse this morning, and yesterday she was kind of lethargic. Overall she’s seems like her happy normal self with a good appetite. From what I gleaned on the internet, the most likely causes are:
1) foreign object in nose
2) a cold
3) allergies
Number one would be most likely, since she’s been rubbing her nose and the fluff incident is when the sneezing started. But teh internets said any nose running would be only on one side, where the object is, and would have blood in it. She has just a small, clear, bilateral runny nose. Thus #2 or 3 matches. Especially since she was tired all day yesterday. But what can I do about it? Pretty much ride it out. I read that an untreated dog cold will run its course in about two weeks, and treated with the vet’s meds it will be gone in about 14 days 😉 I think we’ll wait to see if she gets worse being seeking help.
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