Month: December 2006

Blizzard of 2006!

Can you say Cabin Fever?? On the one hand, we’re happy to be home safe and sound, on the other, WE’VE BEEN STUCK IN THE HOUSE FOR 36 HOURS, AND THERE’S NO END IN SIGHT. Roads are closed all over Denver, and those who try to drive on local roads are getting high-centered. Ben and I are wishing we bought each other snowshoes for Christmas.

So yesterday I didn’t have work, all schools were closed. Today more of the same, all government, schools, retail, are closed. So even if you could get out, where are you going to go? We might give the grocery store another try today, just to get out of the house.

So what did we do? I made turkey stock, reorganized my kitchen pantry, cleaned, cooked, knitted, watched the news, and read. Ben worked from home and read. We napped in the afternoon and played some scrabble and hanafuda in the evening.

The day was long. How the heck am I going to keep occupied today?

Wednesday mid-day.

Wednesday evening.

Thursday morning.

Wednesday afternoon we trekked to the grocery store to get cookie ingredients (very important).

I also got brussel spouts to serve with dinner.

Wednesday afternoon we had an impressive drift in the front walkway.

Wednesday evening some workers shoveled the front walks clear. By Thursday morning it looked like this

This morning Ben shoveled our back patio for a second time.

It’s light and fluffy, but DEEP! The levels shown here are non-drift snow.

Happy Holidays

December is busy! But it’s all for fun. I had a cookie decorating party last night. Richard visited and we had dinner with Ben’s extended family Saturday. My parents were up the weekend before, seeing the new house and shopping in the city. Mavi’s visiting us en route to GJ. Tonight we’re going to get hot wings at the Dark Horse in Boulder, just like old times.

All my Christmas shopping is done and wrapped up in silver paper and bows. I finally finished a little art project I’ve been working on for a few weeks. Pictures to come . . . sometime. Picasa is still annoying to use with this beta blogger I got roped into.

Some friends and I watched Dungeons & Dragons the movie this weekend. It was so deliciously bad. I haven’t laughed so hard in ages. A couple months ago I came across this website, 64 reasons to watch Dungeons and Dragons. Lo and behold, the author was right on all accounts. I actually sort of wish I hadn’t returned it so soon to Blockbuster*. Shoot, I may have to buy this one.

* What?! Blockbuster, you say? Yes, they’ve been running a deal where you can get a free rental by giving them your Netflix envelope flap. It’s a marketing scheme to try to get people to switch to their service, but it saved us $5 so it was worth taking advantage of for this stupendously bad movie.

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