Hate is:
Calling a plumber at 9:30 pm because your washing machine debut ended with water draining onto the floor, soaking your next 3 loads of perfectly sorted laundry, which have been festering in their dinginess for three days longer than you anticipated because you didn’t test the previous (used) washer until your dryer was set up, which needed a vent, and then said washer would not start, and then having to wait a day for the new washer to be delivered, but not being able to test it until after work, and when you did and it flooded first you tried a snake and then drano before executing the final step in our three step program: hire a professional.
Owning is fun!
All is well. I have done 5 loads in the past 12 hours (in addition to sleeping and working) and Ben and I have sloughed our stinky layer for crisp, clean clothes. I love my washer. so very very much.
Does Duet mean it dries as well, within the same unit, or does it only wash, as the title “what do you call 1/2 a duet” implies?>>Congrats on growing up.>>-The Child
The washer and dryer machines are in a series called “duet.” But I only purchased one machine, or, half. So the latter. >>Growing up is an unending process. >>Your recent entry was the first time I heard you use the phrase “my ex-girlfriend.” Talk about growing up!
Well, hopefully my maturation will be complete when you hear me say, for the first time, “my ex-wife.”>>-A Rich Man who collects Trophies