Month: July 2005


Shopping and snacking in Hallowell (near Augusta).

Flowers grow abundantly in Maine.

Hobbit Woods (named by Betty)

Interesting cuisine in Maine, including the infamous whoopie pie and “fried dough.”

Picturesque Booth Bay.

Wild turkeys right outside Betty’s house! (I was napping, Ben captured the pic)

Miami Meeting

I had to go on a business trip to Miami a couple weeks ago. Bleh. July is generally not a good time to go. When I arrived in the afternoon the weather was calm. This sandcastle on the hotel’s private beach looked amazing.

I scoped out the beach and planned to spend any time I had outside of lectures on the sand. The hurrricane Dennis came. We were on Key Biscayne, so we weren’t in any serious danger, though the hotel sent out notices to stay away from your windows in case they blow in. The picture below was taken the first evening of my stay, about an hour after the picture above. It got worse each day: incredible wind and warm rain. Meetings and schmoozing were stressful. I was not in the mood to take lots of pictures, so this is all I got of the bad weather. It was a frustrating trip. I could ramble on and on, but let’s just leave it at that.

Home Again

Like my sister (see her blog) I have been traveling all month and away from my computer. Unlike my sister, my trips have not all been fun. I’m happy to be home now with no flight reservations on the books . . . for now.

I have a feeling there may be another business trip this fall, and mom already mentioned maybe going to California for Thanksgiving, and Ben and I have been wanting to take a trip for just the two of us. . . but for now there’s nothing planned! And it feels good.

Pictures to come soon. Probably after I catch up at work, get laundry done, fill the fridge with food, and watch the Netflix that have piled up.

It’s good to be back in dry Colorado.

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