Freddy has a basket:


He likes to be in a high position in the kitchen – close to the food smells and the people.  I installed a basket on the counter to try to keep his fur and feet restrained to one spot, rather than roaming over the whole counter.  It works well and he spends most of his naps there.

Nimbus is more free range with her napping locations.  Unless I have an electric blanket on me.  She purrs so loudly when she’s sharing it with me.


Tonight we were dining on baked potatoes and Freddy was prowling about hoping to sneak a bit of bacon.  While his focus was on the table, we spied Nimbus slowly settling into Freddy’s basket.  The kids howled with laughter, we knew this was going to cause trouble.

Shortly after, Freddy noticed the egregious invasion and was MAD.

But Nimbus was not about to yield to this plebeian.  We had a full-on battle, pitting claims of Territory against Dominance.

They ran to the living room to finish wrestling.  I’m not sure who they think won the battle.  The basket was abandoned.  Thirty minutes later, as I was leaving for book club, I walked by this scene:


Hmm.  No one looks happy.  Perhaps this was the first skirmish of a long war.