Another museum!  This time: kid-friendly highlights from the Met.

We briefly went up to the roof to see the view of Manhattan but MAN it was hot!  Jack learned the true meaning of humidity.

In the afternoon we saw the truly amazing Gazillion Bubble Show.  It was very kid friendly, well run, and a total riot.  I think everyone had a big grin on their face.

In lieu of proper dinner we poked into several eateries walking back toward the hotel.

My folks took Jack to see Captain Underpants again, my siblings saw some interactive theater (Ghostlight), and did some solo shopping in Herald Square.  Afterward we gathered at the hotel for Father’s Day presents and a group photo.

The next morning we had some trouble getting home.  A large storm stretching across the Appalachians grounded all the flights.  We spent the entire day at the airport trying to get home.  We had to give up and stay in Astoria for one more night, leaving from a different airport in the morning.

I must have bad NYC mojo.  This is my 3/3 of my last trips there have had major delays or cancellations getting home.  I knit and entire sock during the airport/plane time on this trip, starting at the gate in Denver on Thursday; binding off as we landed back in Colorado.

Jack’s upright sleep accurately describes how I felt as we drove the last few miles home.  A great trip, a very tiring trip.  He’s on a road trip with Ben to Canada today.  Last I heard they had made it to Douglas, Wyoming.