Today I turned 31.  As a treat to myself I requested off today and the next two days from work.  How I love being home with my boy! 

I woke up before him and took a long hot shower.  I used ALL my lotions and scrubs.  Then I knit while Jack ate breakfast.

Birthday morning

After he helped me put the curlers away, and declared my hair “silly,” we bought cupcakes.
Birthday groceries=cupcakes

He easily convinced me to eat at least one right away.
Mini cupcakes are for eating right away

The nanny came over and I excused myself to a relaxing, unhurried lunch. 
An unhurried lunch

Followed by a soothing massage at the student clinic ($23 an hour is hard to beat!)
Birthday massage

When I got home Jack was just going down for a “nap.”  Naps have morphed into “quiet time.”  He doesn’t sleep every day anymore. But he will stay in his bed for a couple hours, playing and reading quietly to himself.  I’m fine with that.  More knitting, this time with Ron Swanson.
Knitting and Ron Swanson

Ben came home early and we did presents and cupcakes!
Cake and presents

Cake and presentsCake and presentsCake and presents

Then we talked to my folks on facetime.  Mom read a book to Jack.   Then he went outside to shovel snow and throw snowballs.

Cake and presentsSnowball fight

Our sitter came back (eventually, Brian covered for a little while because the snow backed up traffic) and we went on a real, true date.  Dinner at Le Central.  DELICIOUS!  My lamb shank isn’t pictured because I forgot.  I was in a mini food coma by then. 

Le Central dinner
Le Central dinner

We picked up a few small treats at Target and came home to a sleeping boy.   Not pictured: Watching New Girl in my jammies with my hubby.

What a wonderful day!