More of the same

Lest you think I live a life of leisure, you should know I had to work 8 hours on Sunday.  Blech.  I hate my weekends on call.  The worst of it is the on and off of patient treatments.  It felt like hourly the plan was changing.  I can’t stand that.  So just know that I choose to blog about my days off because those are the fun days, the days I live for. 

Like this morning.  Happily I did not have to go back into work last night, despite being paged at 5 AM.  I slept in until the sound of monsters in the living room woke me up.  Jack was running around in his PJs growling and roaring.  I poured myself some cereal and a small bowl for Jack.  I’ve finally learned that he is a social eater and throws a fit if I’m eating and he’s not.  Rather than share my food I try to get a snack size for him.  Once at the table, he demanded I put some entertainment on the computer.  Spoiled? Yes, probably. 

You can watch the video we were watching here on Hulu.

Despite a slight cold I’m going to Zumba this afternoon.  It will be my fourth class.  I went twice in August, then couldn’t go back until last week.  Strange that I was scheduled for Mondays and Wednesdays as soon as I had a class I wanted to attend.  Last week they gave us coin belts to jingle on our hips and that made it even more fun!  I found one of our routines on youtube, if you still have no idea what I’m talking about. 

Jack’s Halloween costume is done.  You all are going to DIE from the cuteness!  I have no idea what I’ll be yet.  Motherhood makes you selfless that way 😉

1 Comment

  1. Miranda

    I miss you guys. And I love posts about your days off chillin' with Jack. And I really can't wait to see his costume.

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